Webflow Apps - Our Favourites

Webflow Apps - Our Favourites

Webflow recently announced the next generation of apps available to use on their platform, here we pick our favourites:


If you’ve ever added a members section with registration and login on Wordpress, you may likely have used Memberpress. We recently used Memberpress (on Wordpress) for a US based music services startup and found it very easy to setup, use, customise and build upon.

And now, Memberstack offers a similar, very easy-to-use, easy to adapt app for Webflow.

The Membestack app is very powerful and allows robust authentication out-of-the-box with secure and encrypted user authentication using Google, Facebook, Github, Spotify or custom logins (using OpenID Connect) so that customers don’t have to create multiple accounts across various platforms. Paid memberships is served with instant access to stripe checkout & billing - which means you can start accepting payments in 135+ currencies immediately with their one-click Stripe integration. Which also means you can offer free-trials, coupons & promotions.


Good photography (and free!) is extremely hard to come by, so we have been a huge fan of Unsplash ever since it launched. We recently published an article about how AI can help with content and along the same lines, this app for Webflow means you can insert beautiful images from Unsplash straight into your site. And best of all, the Unsplash licence allows images to be used freely for both commercial and personal projects.


The leading form builder is now available as an app on Webflow too, which means you can turn visitors into customers with stand-out forms. Forms are super simple to create on Webflow anyway, but Typeform helps take them to the next level in terms of UI/UX. If you have large forms that span more than 5 fields, Typeform make it a doddle to build, and makes a huge difference to the responses you get. No one likes filling in forms.. we presume anyway! But Typeform makes them actually enjoyable and palatable to use. Again, we’ve long been a fan of Typeform, so to see it easily embedded into Webflow means forms can really be enhanced now (rather than the bespoke, manual efforts it would require without the app)


If you’ve not heard of IFTTT then you are really missing out! It stands for ‘If this then that’ - and it does exactly what you are thinking. You can create integrations without any code needed. It essentially bridges the gap between whatever platform you can dream of. You simply create rules and build the “if this” (e.g if customer fills in a certain field) then that (e.g store that in multiple spreadsheets or direct into a CRM). It’s so powerful it’s actually mad what can be achieved with it. The world really is your oyster with IFTTT and whatever system you need your Webflow site to integrate with, IFTTT is more than likely going to enable it.

And not so much an app, but another good tip, if you want your Webflow site to be multilingual and available in more languages than just English (or 1 language) try: Weglot

Weglot works at the domain level and allows you everything you need to translate, display and manage your multilingual website, with full editing control. By amending the DNS (Domain settings) on your site, Weglot will automatically crawl and translate your site for you, based on the languages and setup you want, then for extra fidelity you can amend each translation/text on your site.

There are a tonne more available, these are just some of our faves. The improved Webflow app store, means building sites on webflow got even more pleasurable.
If you have a project in mind,
get in touch and we can explain how Webflow can help you meet your goals.